Why Are You Struggling in Your Life?

Do you have struggles in your life? Of course you do — because we all do. Every person on this planet faces challenges, whether in health, finances, relationships, or inner struggles. If you feel like you’re not struggling with anything, either this is your last life on earth, or you’re not being fully honest with yourself.

Why Are You Struggling in Your Life?

Why Are You Struggling?

Let’s dive into why you’re struggling. This will be interactive, so grab a piece of paper and a pen. Writing things down will make this exercise far more impactful. Once you’re ready, start making a list of everything you’re currently struggling with. Take your time — this is for you.

How to Identify Your Struggles

When I say “struggles,” I’m talking about anything that’s weighing you down or making life harder. To help you get started, I’ll list some common struggles:

  • Health conditions: asthma, allergies, chronic pain, cancer, anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, etc.

  • Relationship issues: problems with family, friends, coworkers, or romantic partners.

  • Emotional struggles: low self-esteem, fear of failure, lack of trust.

  • Financial challenges: debt, unemployment, lack of savings.

  • Life events: childhood trauma, bullying, abuse, miscarriages, accidents.

Add anything that resonates with your experience. The key is to be completely honest with yourself — even if it feels uncomfortable.

Visualizing Your Struggles

Now, imagine that each struggle on your list is a piece of luggage. The bigger the problem, the larger the suitcase. For instance, seasonal allergies might be a small handbag, while a major trauma could be a massive trunk.

Next, think about every traumatic experience you’ve had, every struggle with family, friends, coworkers, and strangers. Each of these gets its own suitcase. Imagine how much luggage you’re carrying now. That’s the weight of your struggles, both physically and energetically.

The Impact on Your Energy System

All of this “luggage” represents the negativity and unresolved issues sitting in your energy system. Your energy system includes your aura, chakras, meridian lines, and soul. For your energy to flow freely and keep you healthy and happy, it needs to be clear and unblocked.

Think of your energy system as a flowing stream. When it’s clear, the water (your energy) flows smoothly. But when there’s a dam — representing a struggle or trauma — the water becomes stagnant, blocking your ability to thrive. This blocked energy manifests as health issues, emotional struggles, and even spiritual stagnation.

Are You Running at 100%?

Now, let’s think of your energy system as a pie. A fully functioning energy system is 100%. Take the first thing you wrote on your list. Imagine that struggle taking a small slice out of your pie. Now, take the next item on your list and another slice comes out. The size of each slice depends on how significant that struggle is for you.

After going through your entire list, how much of your pie is left? Are you running at 100%? Maybe 50%? Less? The truth is, most people are operating at far less than 100%, weighed down by their struggles and blocked energy. This lack of energy flow directly affects your ability to feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled.

How Do You Fix It?

The solution is simple in concept but requires effort: heal. You must release the negativity, face your struggles, and let go of the baggage. Here are some ways to start:

  • 1. Write It Out

    • Take one struggle from your list and write about it. Pour your feelings onto paper — be brutally honest. Then, safely burn the paper as a symbolic release. Repeat this process as needed for each struggle.

  • 2. Practice Meditation

    • Spiritual meditation is a powerful way to heal. By working with your spirit guides, you can remove the energetic blocks causing your struggles. This practice balances your energy system, allowing you to live a happier, healthier life.

  • 3. Explore Other Methods

    • If you have another way of releasing negativity, such as therapy, exercise, or creative expression, use it. The goal is to consciously let go of the darkness holding you back.

The Deeper Roots of Struggles

What about medical conditions or lifelong struggles? These often stem from unresolved past-life trauma. If a trauma wasn’t healed in a previous life, you carry it into this one. That’s why conditions can appear at birth or seem to come out of nowhere. To break the cycle, you must face and heal these patterns.

Take Control of Your Life

Your struggles are within your control. By addressing them and healing your energy, you can reclaim your power and live your best life. Your energy system is the key to your health, happiness, and well-being.

Holly Janes

MediSoul Wellness empowers you to heal yourself through guided meditation and energy techniques. Learn to release negativity, build resilience, and restore balance in your mind, body, and soul.


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